Education Projects

Education Projects

We encourage the next generation to experience classical music - with the help of professional musicians and educators we try to establish a creative and fun way to engage with music.

Education Projects

maxi.musik – KARNEVAL DER TIERE – Schulvorstellung

Nitzan Wolfson-Bartana, 1st violin
Teodora Dimitrova, 2nd violin
Josip Kvetek, viola
Christopher Jepson, cello
Philippe Schnepp, double bass
Julia Morgan, flute
Rossana Rossignoli and Junko Otani Mast, clarinet
Szilárd Buti and Robin Fourmeau, percussion
Nadia Belneeva and Iryna Krasnovska, piano
NN, synthesizer
Cedric Cassimo, sand animation
Mario Trüb, narrator
Victoria Giorgini, director
Daniel Palmizio, conductor

Education Projects

Nitzan Wolfson-Bartana, 1st violin
Teodora Dimitrova, 2nd violin
Josip Kvetek, viola
Christopher Jepson, cello
Philippe Schnepp, double bass
Julia Morgan, flute
Rossana Rossignoli and Junko Otani Mast, clarinet
Szilárd Buti and Robin Fourmeau, percussion
Nadia Belneeva and Iryna Krasnovska, piano
NN, synthesizer
Cedric Cassimo, sand animation
Mario Trüb, narrator
Victoria Giorgini, director
Daniel Palmizio, conductor

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maxi.musik – KARNEVAL DER TIERE – Schulvorstellung

Education Project

10:00 AM

Rehearsal Centre Picassoplatz

Picassoplatz 2
4052 Basel

T +41 61 205 00 95

seating plan

Rehearsal Centre Picassoplatz

Children CHF 5
Adults accompanying person admission free

Registration via the online form
For questions or further information: +41 (0)61 272 25 25

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What do lions and swans actually sound like? And what noises do dinosaurs make? Musicians from the Basel Symphony Orchestra embark on a musical search for clues in the animal world with the Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns and Jurassic Trip by Guillaume Connesson. The imaginative story is illustrated live with sand animations by Cedric Cassimo.

Our maxi.musik concerts are aimed at children between the ages of 7 and 12. In lovingly designed productions, children are invited to immerse themselves in the world of classical music.

This concert is offered exclusively for school classes.

maxi.musik – KARNEVAL DER TIERE – Schulvorstellung

Education Project

10:00 AM

Rehearsal Centre Picassoplatz

Picassoplatz 2
4052 Basel

T +41 61 205 00 95

seating plan

Rehearsal Centre Picassoplatz

Children CHF 5
Adults accompanying person admission free

Registration via the online form
For questions or further information: +41 (0)61 272 25 25

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