
Commentated concerts for school classes

The commented concerts for school classes are explicitly aimed at pupils aged 12 and over. The programme and moderation are developed together with a school class, which then leads through the concert independently. The programme includes interviews with conductors, soloists and musicians from the orchestra as well as performances of classics from the orchestral repertoire. These concerts are offered exclusively for school classes and are free of charge.

Free admission
Concert attendance with pre-booking via online form at the respective concert. For questions or further information: +41 (0)61 272 25 25

Symphony concerts at a special rate

All symphony concerts can be attended by school classes. Information on the programmes and performers can be found in the general programme or on our website.

Special rate for school classes: CHF 10 per person for groups of 10 or more (incl. accompanying adult).

Advance booking and reservations: via the orchestra office, by e-mail or +41 (0)61 272 25 25 (Tue-Fri, 08.30-11.30).

The concerts are preceded by an introduction at 6.45 pm.

Information about the school concerts 2024/25 (in German)