Erleben Sie die Mitglieder des Sinfonieorchesters Basel aus nächster Nähe! Die Arc-en-ciel-Konzerte finden in verschiedenen Kulturstätten in der Region Baselland statt und schaffen Verbindungen zwischen Publikum und Orchester.

Sie sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, nach den Konzerten bei einem kleinen Apéro mit den Musikerinnen und Musikern ins Gespräch zu kommen.


Stefan Schramm, violin

Valentina Jacomella Rösti, violin

Dominik Ostertag, viola

Malcolm Kraege, violoncello

Joseph Haydn (1732–1809):

String Quartet in B-flat major, Sunrise, op. 76/4 (1797)

Antonín Dvořák (1841−1904):

String Quartet No. 12 in F major, American Quartet, op. 96 (1893)


Stefan Schramm, violin

Valentina Jacomella Rösti, violin

Dominik Ostertag, viola

Malcolm Kraege, violoncello

Joseph Haydn (1732–1809):

String Quartet in B-flat major, Sunrise, op. 76/4 (1797)

Antonín Dvořák (1841−1904):

String Quartet No. 12 in F major, American Quartet, op. 96 (1893)

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Aula of ISB Reinach

Register for the concert here. Registration is helpful for the organisation of the event but not mandatory.

Please note that this event will take place using the COVID certificate (vaccinated, convalescent, tested). We therefore ask you to show your certificate as well as your identity card/ID at the entrance. The certificate requirement applies from the age of 16.


Get to know the members of Sinfonieorchester Basel up close! The Arc-en-Ciel concerts take place in various cultural sites in and around Basel and facilitate connections between the audience and the orchestra. After the concerts, there will be the opportunity to engage with the musicians during a small ‹Apéro› with refreshments.



Aula of ISB Reinach

Register for the concert here. Registration is helpful for the organisation of the event but not mandatory.

Please note that this event will take place using the COVID certificate (vaccinated, convalescent, tested). We therefore ask you to show your certificate as well as your identity card/ID at the entrance. The certificate requirement applies from the age of 16.
